Reaction MMA offers classes in a multitude of martial arts disciplines. From Brazilian jiu jitsu, to Muay Thai; wrestling to boxing and MMA, we encourage an exploration of these various arts for a well-rounded martial arts skill-set.



Brazilian Jiu Jitsu


  • Monday

    6:00am BJJ
    11:15am BJJ

    5:45pm BJJ Guard Passing class
    6:30pm (2 Hour Class)

  • Tuesday
    5:45pm Basics Class

    6:45pm Women’s Only BJJ

    7:30pm BJJ

  • Wednesday

    6:45am BJJ

    5:45pm Escapes Class

    6:30pm No-Gi BJJ

  • Thursday
    5:45pm Basics Class

    6:45pm Women’s Only BJJ

    7:30pm BJJ

  • Friday
    6:00am BJJ
    11:15am BJJ
    6:15pm BJJ

  • Saturday
    10:15am MMA

    11:30am BJJ

Our Brazilian jiu jitsu program offers a heavy emphasis on self-defense, while also preparing students to compete at high-level grappling tournaments.

Whether you're a first timer or a seasoned grappler, you'll feel at home on the Reaction mats.


  • Monday(Gi), Tuesday(No-Gi), Thursday(No-Gi), Friday (Gi)
    5:45pm – 6:45pm

  • Wednesday Friday Under 7 development class

    5:45pm - 6:30pm

Our kids program has an amazing environment. With an average of 20 kids on the mat at a time. The difference at Reaction is the number of coaches to student ratio for our youth programs. with 5-6 coaches with almost always 2 of the coaches being black belt instructors. we have one of the largest kids programs in the state.

Through a well-rounded program that applies places focus on self-defense techniques, our kids grow into confident, respectful, and healthy young martial artists. Our program is less playing games and emphasizes technical drilling and skill building.

We make sure the instruction time has plenty of Q and A sections. Combined with multiple coaches assisting our lead professor.


Muay Thai

  • Monday
    7:45pm arrival warm up drill, class start at 8:15p

  • Wednesday

    8pm arrival warm up 8:20 class begins

  • Friday
    7:30pm arrival 15 minute solo warm up to be completed before 7:45 class start

Known as "the art of 8 limbs", Muay Thai is a form of kickboxing that originated in Thailand. It incorporates the use of punches, kicks, elbows, and knees to deliver an effective arsenal of striking that is an essential component to a well-rounded fighter's toolbox. blend between kickboxing and may thai are taught.




  • Tuesday

    Day class 11:15am - 12:15pm

    Evening Class 6:45pm-7:45pm

  • Thursday
    Day Class 11:15am - 12:15pm

    Evening Class 6:45pm-7:45pm

  • Saturday

    Sparring 10:15am

Our boxing classes are top-notch. Prof. Nickerson's early exposure to boxing has equipped him with the skillset to deliver effective preparation in one of the staples of mixed martial arts.

Boxing at Reaction focuses on the development of the striking framework that is the base for any martial artist's striking game. 

Reaction's boxing classes do not incorporate any sparring—this is left for MMA and sparring days. Instead, technique is king here. Beginners can be assured a sound structure that builds from the basics to develop a strong striking game, while allowing the individual plenty of opportunities to pursue a more advanced path through other classes should they so desire.

Have a tight life or work schedule? The day classes allow you to get your training in without the drop in quality or taking away from evening schedule or life responsibility.


Current Class Schedule 2025